Baking Basics: Tips and Tricks on Baking

Welcome back to another week of Baking tips! Hopefully you all enjoyed the recipes I have shared 

with you. I encourage you all to try those recipes and build up your confidence in the kitchen. When 

you master baking the easier recipes, start challenging yourselves with harder recipes. Here are some 

more tips that will help you in the kitchen. 

There are many different ways to mix ingredients together. One specific way is called folding. When 

you fold something into a batter, you will take a plastic baking spatula and gently rotate your mix so 

you bring the bottom part of the batter to the top and the ingredients you are folding in are getting 

mixed throughout the batter. You will continue to do this until the ingredients are folded and mixed

 throughout the entire batter. Baking is a science so you may want to just mix everything together 

with a spoon, hand mixer, or standing mixer. DO NOT do that. Instead, follow exactly what the 

recipe says or else what you are baking will not turn out right.

Another good tip to follow is to make sure you get all of your ingredients out before you even start 

baking. You do not want to have to run to the store in the middle of what you are baking because it 

will ruin your dessert. Always check before starting to make sure you have everything you need. 

For example, if you are baking a cake, you can not forget or purposely not put ingredients in your 

batter because it will bake incorrectly. Again, baking is a science so it is necessary to follow the 

recipe exactly. 

I hope you find these tips helpful in the kitchen. Stay tuned for the next post to learn more tips to 

help improve your baking!,them%20over%20so%20they%20combine.,to%20follow%20recipes%20whenever%20possible.&text=One%20vital%20cooking%20element%20provided,proper%20ratio%20between%20the%20ingredients.
